13 New Supportive Housing Apartments

With Your Support, People Move from a Pad on the Floor, to a Key in the Doora bed

Housing ends homelessness.

Currently, DuPagePads is in the process of adding 13 new Supportive Housing apartment units, providing the opportunity to transform the lives of chronically homeless individuals.

As the largest provider of Supportive Housing in DuPage County, DuPagePads will have 107 apartment units.

Families and individuals are eligible for these units if they have been homeless for a year or longer and have a documented disability. Disabilities include everything from mental illness to physical disability to substance abuse.

Supportive Housing not only provides safety and stability, but tenants also receive ongoing case management. This support keeps participants focused on their life goals, improving their health and becoming productive members of their community.

Successful at ending homelessness, 87% of DuPagePads Supportive Housing program’s tenants have been in their homes for a year or longer. With clients no longer cycling through emergency rooms, detox centers and prisons, less funding is spent by medical and criminal justice systems. Communities become healthier and safer.

Calculations show that last year these units saved taxpayers over $2.4 million alone, all while improving participants’ health.

You Helped Wayne Move In!

After Wayne and his wife separated, he had nowhere to turn.

He came to DuPagePads and worked closely with his case manager, never missing an appointment.

Recently, Wayne moved into one of the 13 new apartments.

DuPagePads has really been there for me. My case manager helped me obtain Social Security benefits, provides emotional support and goal planning assistance.

I’m excited to sleep in my own bed and proud that I will have a place for my six and ten-year-old kids to visit. I’m extremely grateful to DuPagePads and their supporters,” Wayne shares.