5 Impactful Ways to Help the Homeless this Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time that inspires many of us to think about not only our loved ones, but also those who are less fortunate. We are often asked this time of year by generous community members how they can get involved to brighten the holiday of someone in need.

Here are our top 5 needs this holiday season:

gibing-tuesday1. Donate on #Giving Tuesday

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday (Tuesday, December 1) is a world-wide day of giving that celebrates philanthropy.

Make a donation and share on social media why you support DuPagePads. Help us reach our 24-hour fundraising goal of $15,000 towards our mission to end homelessness.

Triple your Giving!  If you are a new donor to DuPagePads OR if you make a donation above what you donated to us last year – the difference will be matched times 3 by Community Memorial Foundation and our past and present Board of Directors. Amplify your impact by making a donation on #Giving Tuesday! Even though the date has officially passed, donations indicating “#Giving Tuesday” will still have the opportunity to be tripled.

2. Donate holiday gifts for families and individuals

gift cardThese day-to-day necessities can really bring joy and comfort to those we serve. Requested gift items include:

  • Gas Cards $10-$20
  • Gift Cards to Walgreens, Jewel, Target, McDonalds, Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts ($5 – $20 value)
  • New belts
  • New wallets
  • Cologne/Perfume
  • Electric razors/trimmers
  • Nice gloves
  • Men’s and women’s long underwear tops and bottoms
  • Special non-perishable food items not typically donated: beef jerky, nuts, chocolate.

3. Share the Fare!

Map share fare

Help those who are homeless get on the bus, train or taxi by contributing to our Share the Fare campaign. This effort focuses on collecting funds to purchase public transportation passes or gas cards which are critical for assisting those we serve to arriving at:

  • Our Interim (Overnight) Housing sites during extreme weather or cold
  • Job interviews or their place of employment
  • Doctors’ appointments or hospitals to address urgent health needs

 4. Shop Online – AmazonSmile and Tix 4 Cause

amazon-wishlistDonate to DuPagePads by simply doing your holiday shopping online. When visiting the Amazon Smile website, you can receive the same deals and membership options as regularly shopping on Amazon – with the added perk that a percentage of your purchase will go towards our mission to end homelessness. Get started here.

Shopping for concert or sporting event tickets? Visit Tix 4 Cause, select DuPagePads as the beneficiary and we will receive a portion of the ticket sale. A fun way to make memories while helping to transform lives.

5. Volunteer!woman cooking

Click here to view all of our Interim (Overnight) Housing volunteer opportunities. Help set up the sleeping area, serve a meal or provide critical overnight support. Make a difference and impact lives.



We appreciate your interest in uniting with us in our mission to end homelessness. DuPagePads provides Interim (Overnight) Housing 365 nights a year and hope you will also remember us not only at the holidays, but year-round.

When someone believes in you, everything can change. Thank you for believing with us that everyone should have a place to call home.