DuPagePads Clients Graduate from New Computer Class

carol in computer course graduation

Recently, DuPagePads congratulated five clients for graduating from the Career Employment Solution’s new computer class.

Taught by retired Nequa Valley business department teachers Donna and Karyl, this five-week course covered computer basics including navigating the internet, utilizing email, operating Microsoft Word and Excel, using internet resources and best practices for networking with social media portals like LinkedIn.

We designed a customized curriculum for our program participants and worked a lot with each individual one-on-one,” Donna shares, “Everyone was so appreciative and really created an uplifting team environment. As a volunteer, it was a very rewarding experience.”

Participants had positive feedback about the classes:

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Chris shares, “I learned a lot from this course. With technology and computers being such an important part of finding employment, I used to feel overwhelmed by how much I didn’t know. Now, I feel much more prepared and proud I stuck through the course and earned my certificate.”

The instructors really made me feel comfortable enough to ask questions. I appreciated their patience and encouragement,” Pamela says.

Due to the positive feedback from this summer’s course, the curriculum will be taught and administered again this Fall.

DuPagePads client Joan witnessed the certificate ceremony and says with a smile, I’ve already reserved my spot for next fall. I told the instructors to remember me.”

graduating people