Quickly Ending Homelessness

DuPagePads Continues to Reduce Clients Average Length of Stay

Homelessness causes trauma and uncertainty, especially for children. Studies have shown that homelessness adversely affects a child’s health, development and education. Unfortunately, the number of homeless students in DuPage County increased last year.

One of DuPagePads goals is to reduce the average length of stay of participants in our Interim (Overnight) Housing program, helping to quickly end homelessness.

Over the last three years, DuPagePads reduced the average length of stay from 57 days to 36 days, a 37% reduction.



Many families who are homeless have experienced significant trauma in their lives. These experiences include childhood abuse, family separation, violent relationships and even the act of becoming homeless.

As a result of this, DuPagePads is a “trauma-responsive” agency. Employees at all levels attend training workshops and are geared with an understanding of trauma to improve services and interactions with clients.

Additionally, DuPagePads case managers work to assist households out of the traumatic experience of being homeless as quickly as possible. Once children are housed, their health improves and they can better focus in school.

DuPagePads case managers work one on one with clients to address their individual barriers to housing and obtain all eligible benefits. Case managers work with over 50 health and social service agencies to assist clients in obtaining all eligible resources and referrals.

Through the support of generous community members, DuPagePads is also working to end homelessness through implementing responsive programs. These programs have been successful in addressing critical needs and producing tangible outcomes:HousingNow


Housing Now

  • This program rapidly rehouses households with income by providing rent assistance and a year of case management services.
  • Last year this program served 39 served individuals in 23 households;
  • 100% of the households served maintained housing.

Medical Respite

  • 85 people assistedThis program provides short-term housing for those who are homeless and in need of bed rest.
  • Last fiscal year this program served 85 individuals in 60 households;
  • 58% of households are now in stable housing or have a housing plan.

Family Outreach

  • FamilyOutreachThis program provides comprehensive case management to families not consistently using the overnight sites.
  • Last year, this program served 179 individuals, including 108 children in 56 households;
  • 68% of households are now in stable housing.

We are proud of the progress we are making to assist people in moving from a pad on the floor to a key in the door at a faster rate.

We recognize more is to be done, but we are encouraged by this improvement, which is made possible by our community of supporters,” Carol Simler, DuPagePads President & CEO.