Over 20 Years of Service: Celebrating Ginny

Ginny is a faithful volunteer at DuPagePads for more than 23 years now. She was first introduced to DuPagePads by a friend, who encouraged her to help serve dinner at Trinity Episcopal Church in Wheaton, an Interim (Overnight) Housing site on Monday nights.

After volunteering for 3 years with Interim HousingGinny and falling in love with our mission to end homelessness in DuPage County, Ginny started volunteering at the Client Service Center as a greeter. She sits down with clients and listens to their story.

Ginny says, “Each Monday is a gift; I enjoy what the clients have to say, it is interesting, and I always learn something. Hopefully they feel the same way. I tell anyone who listens that I look forward to coming to the Client Service Center. I benefit from our conversations more than the clients, they bring more happiness to my world than I could ever give back.”

“Ginny is a supportive figure for the clients we serve. She is compassionate and loves to see a smile on their face! Ginny will do whatever it takes to give our clients hope for their future,” a DuPagePads Case Manager shares. “Our clients don’t have many people to talk to, Ginny provides a listening ear and support. Clients realize they are not alone, there are people cheering them on.”

“I am blessed with the time I have spent with Ginny; she has been my greatest support. She has taught me the power of empathy and listening. She has shown me the power of simply being there for someone. She is always putting others above herself. I can’t help but thank her for her grace and ever expanding heart,” shares a DuPagePads client with tears in his eyes.

consultationSince 1999, DuPagePads clients have been welcomed by Ginny every Monday morning. “Rain, snow or shine, Ginny is here with a smile on her face, radiating joy and happiness,” says a second Case Manager.

“The best is when a client says, ‘You really helped, thanks for listening to me.’ I love when someone comes back who I haven’t seen in a couple weeks and tells me that they have gotten a job or moved into housing.”

Since Ginny began volunteering, DuPagePads has served over 21,900 individuals, including nearly 3,000 children, and assisted over 3,500 in obtaining permanent housing. It wouldn’t be possible without volunteers and donors with a passion for our mission to end homelessness like YOU and her.

“Ginny deserves to be recognized every day for her time, words of encouragement and the hope she brings to clients,” declares another Case Manager at the Client Service Center.

From everyone at DuPagePads, Thank YOU Ginny!


Do you know a dedicated DuPagePads volunteer?

Recognize someone who:

  • Has been volunteering for over 20 years,
  • Shows exemplary support and hospitality to our clients, or
  • Is dedication to our mission of ending homelessness.

Volunteer Recognition Form