dupage pads emergency response

Since the onset of the COVID-19 public health crisis, we continue to work diligently to fulfill our mission safely and responsibly. After our movement from church partner sites to hotels for Interim Housing this March, we continue to help client individuals and families to access safe and available shelter and support options. Adaptive models of care have been put in place for Emergency Housing, Food Supplies, PPE, Mental Health Support, and other intensive services vital to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus while safely ending homelessness.

As of June 30th, 2020, more than 11,000 nights of housing and 34,000 meals have been safely provided for over 140 clients in DuPagePads Emergency Housing. Since late March, 38 client households have advanced from Emergency Housing to a stable home to call their own.

Adapted Model of Care Keeps Clients Safe

  • Growing from an original 20 hotel rooms to protect those vulnerable to the virus, Emergency Housing has increased to up to 100 rooms for safely housing clients.
  • The DuPagePads Client Service Center adapted from in person services to a call & support center for clients experiencing homelessness, ensuring wellness, stability and access to safe emergency housing and support remain available.
  • The Client Service Center modified spaces to serve as a supply hub receiving contactless curbside food donations daily from 8AM-8PM weekdays and 8AM-4PM on weekends, safely sanitizing items, and re-distributing food and essential supplies to clients in Emergency and Supportive housing.
  • Collaborative efforts continue with fellow not for profit organizations and faith communities across DuPage County coordinating supplies and needed food items to meet immediate needs as well as a longer-term food chain to keep clients fed and sheltered.
  • Case managers and staff provide wellness services to clients in Emergency and Supportive housing monitoring health conditions, fulfilling housing plans, and addressing needs.
  • Emergency Housing in hotel locations have staff available on site to address client’s needs and advance stable housing plans quickly while socially distanced.
  • Permanent Supportive Housing staff remain in frequent contact with over 200 clients across 149 apartments ensuring good health, access to nutritious food, and basic needs are met.

Moving Forward during COVID-19

DuPagePads continues working with local healthcare officials and service partners to establish the best path forward during COVID-19.

The Moving Home Initiative is the next step in helping clients in Emergency Housing to end their homelessness. Our Team is focused on advancing clients safely from a hotel room into stable housing that prevents a need to return to shelter. Once an apartment is secured and successful housing navigation is complete, clients will receive furnishings and basic amenities provided by generous partners and donors creating a welcoming new home. By combining ongoing case management with generous donor support, The Moving Home Initiative will quickly advance clients in Emergency Housing from hotels into stable housing safely.

Interim Housing services continue to be suspended and are evaluated weekly. DuPagePads is closely monitoring the impact of the Coronavirus on the communities we serve. Plans have been established to continue hotel-based Emergency Housing operations with ongoing effort to plan for the future of Interim Housing with congregational and community partners ensuring a safe return to shelter once safely available to do so. We are grateful to all the volunteers and congregations engaging with us in these conversations, and we will continue to provide updates as planning develops.

DuPagePads Emergency Response Funding

Established in March of 2020, DuPagePads is very grateful to the more than 1,000 donors who have contributed so far to the Emergency Response Fund. The rapid response of our community providing critical resources to directly address the immediate and ongoing unplanned impact of COVID-19 has been uplifting and incredible. On March 31st 2021 the Emergency Response Fund will transition to be a direct option for giving at www.dupagepads.org/donate and all gifts made to the fund will continue to address COVID-19 related housing and support for DuPagePads clients. To learn more about our COVID-19 reponse efforts, The Emergency Response Fund, and different ways your giving can make a lasting impact in the lives of more families and individuals please contact Chad Pedigo, Vice President of Development at 630-682-3846 ext 2220 or email cpedigo@dupagepads.org

team hands together

THANK YOU to the generous donors continuing to send supplies and donations assistance in this emergency. Client needs are being met because of your support.

The DuPagePads Emergency Response Fund continues to help replenish critical supplies and provide emergency temporary food and shelter. 

Unfortunately, DuPagePads cannot accept typical material donations for general use during this time. Please consider donating only needed essential items using curbside “no contact” drop off boxes located in the parking lot of 703 W. Liberty Wheaton, IL 60187.

Drop off hours are Monday-Friday 12:00am-4:00pm for large in-person donations. For all other donations please use our 24/7 Contact-less Donations Drop-Off box in front of our Client Service Center at 703 W. LibertyPlease do not leave donations outside of the scheduled times, especially food items overnight. We apologize no donation receipts will be provided during this time and all items will be wiped down after received.

Additional donation items DuPagePads are in great need of include masks for our clientsPlease consider this great way to volunteer while safely staying sheltered in place.

Ongoing Street Outreach Support

The DuPagePads Street Outreach staff continue to monitor common areas in the county frequented by those who are
unsheltered. We need your help in identifying anyone who may still be homeless by calling our toll-free
number: 866.682.3846 x2275 or email streetoutreach@dupagepads.org

These uncertain times makes it clear that each person’s health is intertwined in our community. Thank you to you as leaders as you work to ensure only the best safety measures are in place for all of our residents here in DuPage County!

Help Volunteer Virtually!

People who are homeless need your voice to remind our elected officials to address homelessness as the lives of the people we serve are at stake – now more than ever. State and county representatives are shaping how those experiencing homelessness are protected from COVID-19. You can find contact information for Illinois lawmakers here and Dupage County Board here. Virtual volunteers are also helping by liking DuPagePads on Facebook and other social media platforms share important updates with the community!

The solution to end homelessness starts with housing.

The solution to end homelessness is more complex than providing individuals with food and shelter. Founded in 1985, DuPagePads is the largest provider of interim and permanent housing, coupled with support services in order to help individuals work toward a place to call home – DuPagePads vital support services enable the individuals we help to receive case management and life coaching, employment support such as GED courses and job coaching, as well as engagement with employers—effectively stopping the cycle of homelessness.

DuPagePads IS the solution to end homelessness — because when someone believes in you, everything can change.