Angela’s Story

“DuPagePads Helped Me Focus on the Positive”



After losing her job, and her apartment soon after, Angela began living with her daughter.

When her daughter moved out of state, Angela began staying at the DuPagePads Interim (overnight) Housing Program sites.

I didn’t want to be dependent on her any longer so I contacted DuPagePads,” Angela shares.

Angela Attire

Angela AttireAngela was quickly referred to DuPagePads Employment and Education Program which helped her fine tune her resume and provided her with a computer lab where she could search for employment opportunities.

Sometimes I got so involved in job searching that I would lose track of time and stay till the computer lab closed,” Angela added.

Once she obtained an interview, her DuPagePads Employment Specialist made sure she had suits and clothes to help her feel confident. Thanks to her hard work and perseverance, and the help of DuPagePads, Angela now has a job at PLS in a financial resolution position in Oak Brook.

Angelas new apartmentAngela is excited about moving into her new apartment in Westmont. She says, “I love deciding where to put things and what color to paint the accent wall.

She has also been able to unload the heavy purse that she used to carry around. “Now I just carry my wallet and keys!

To me, DuPagePads means a new beginning, a stepping stone into a new life.”  Angela admits to learning a lot about herself during the process of finding a new job and place to live.

She says, “If you think positive, positive comes; if you think negative, negative comes. DuPagePads helped me focus on the positive.