Join us – DuPage County is BANDing Together to end homelessness

Last year DuPagePads served 1,360 individuals, including 241 children and 144 families as well as 86 veterans who were homeless here in DuPage County. These numbers are unacceptable!

With the donations we received last year we were able to help many individuals. Last year DuPagePads:

  • Banding TogetherHelped 392 individuals obtain permanent housing
  • Provided 44,284 nights of shelter at our 31 Interim (overnight) Housing Sites
  • Served 145,501 meals for people who would have otherwise gone hungry
  • Found 107 jobs for our program participants who were seeking employment
  • Took care of the less fortunate members of our community, 71% of which listed their address as being in DuPage County

All of this was possible because of the donations from our supporters and volunteers. In fact, we partnered with more than 4,000 volunteers and 160 congregations who donated over 65,000 hours, the equivalent of 31 full-time employees.

Here’s what your donations can help provide the members of our community that we serve:eating together

  • $100 can provide 20 prescription co-payments
  • $250 can provide diapers and formula for a baby for one month
  • $500 can provide monthly train passes for five individuals getting to and from work
  • $1,000 can provide job coaching and computer training for 16 individuals
  • $2,500 can provide housing for a family for three months
  • $5,000 can provide interim (overnight) housing and support services for a family for one year

wrist bandsVisit our website here and make a gift today. We’ll send you our original wristbands as a thank you.

Wear one and tell a friend that DuPagePads has the solution: housing coupled with support services and employment, which leads to good health and economic sustainability.

Band with DuPagePads today and invite others to join us!