For Immediate Release

July 14, 2016


Carol Simler
President & CEO
630.682.3846 Ext. 2310

Janelle Barcelona
Vice President, Development
630.682.3846 Ext. 2220

Click here for the full press release

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Photo attached-caption below.

DuPage Foundation Funds DuPagePads Medical Respite

(Wheaton, IL)  DuPagePads was one of 30 not-for-profit organizations and five local collaboratives to receive a grant at the DuPage Foundation’s Spring Grant Awards Breakfast held on Wednesday, June 22, at Glen Oak County Club in Glen Ellyn.  The DuPage Foundation awarded more than $670,000 in grants to organizations working in the area of Health and Human Services and five local collaboratives focused on improving kindergarten-readiness in DuPage County.  The grant will help underwrite DuPagePads Medical Respite program.

Families and individuals who are homeless often have a wide range of complex health conditions.  Without a place to rest and recover, individuals who are homeless and discharged from the hospital risk compromising their health which may lead to hospital re-admission.  For participants referred by a doctor, DuPagePads Medical Respite program provides one to two week rooms at motels with negotiated reduced rates.  Along with this housing, DuPage PADS provides case management to ensure program participants receive medical attention and the support services needed to better manage their health condition and move toward stability.  Reasons for DuPage PADS Medical Respite program last year included: infections (32%), mobility issues (28%), hospital/surgery recovery (26%), accidents (8%), chronic disease (4%) and pregnancy-related (2%). Last year this program served 99 individuals in 66 households; 30 households have moved to stable housing including 32 adults and 27 children; this represents 60% of those served.

Recognizing 30 years of service, DuPagePads is the largest provider of services to those who are homeless in DuPage County.  DuPagePads’ mission is to end homelessness in DuPage County through the solution housing, coupled with support services and employment.  The administration office is located at 601 West Liberty, Wheaton, IL 60187.  Additional information can be obtained by contacting DuPagePads at 630.682.3846 or at

“There are so many dedicated people working harder than ever these days in our area not-for-profit organizations to ensure that critical services are available for those who are in need in our community,” said Barb Szczepaniak, Foundation vice president for programs.  “Unfortunately, funding resources have dwindled at a time when they are most needed.  The Foundation is pleased to provide overall grant funding at an increased level this year to these well-deserving organizations to help them better serve their clients who depend on their support and services.”

During its Spring Community Needs Grant Cycle, the Foundation awarded a total of $425,883 in Health & Human Services grants.  Community Needs grants are primarily awarded based on earnings from the Foundation’s unrestricted and field-of-interest funds.  Additionally, during the selection process, the Foundation offers representatives of its donor-advised funds the opportunity to review the grant applications that it receives through its Community Needs Grant Program.  It does this to inform local donors about the needs in the community, introduce them to the many organizations that apply to the Foundation, and to engage them in helping the Foundation increase the level of grant support that it provides through the grant process.  In response to this year’s Community Needs grant applications, donor-advisors recommended an additional $97,281 in grant funding.

In addition to the Community Needs grants, the DuPage Foundation’s Board of Trustees awarded more than $245,000 from its Bright & Early DuPage initiative to further the efforts of local collaboratives focused on improving kindergarten-readiness in DuPage County.


DuPage Foundation awards grant to DuPagePads.  From left: Deborah du Vair, DuPage Foundation Grant Committee member; Carol Simler and Janelle Barcelona, DuPagePads; Janet Hodge, DuPage Foundation Trustee Emerita.

About the DuPage Foundation

The DuPage Foundation seeks to raise the quality of life throughout DuPage County by fostering philanthropy, connecting donors to area needs and building community partnerships.  Based on the American virtues of volunteerism and philanthropy, the Foundation fosters a legacy of support for the people of DuPage County by making grants to not-for-profit organizations working in the areas of Arts and Culture, Education, the Environment, Health, and Human Services.  Since its inception, the Foundation has built its endowment to approximately $64 million and awarded more than $26 million in grants to not-for-profit agencies serving the residents of DuPage County and beyond.

Established in 1986, the DuPage Foundation is a publicly-supported 501(c)(3) organization to which

contributions are tax deductible.  It was created to benefit the people of DuPage County and receives contributions and bequests into a permanent endowment from individuals, corporations, organizations and foundations wishing to make lasting contributions to the people of DuPage.  The earnings on these funds are then used, in accordance with donor wishes, for the Foundation’s grantmaking and community leadership activities.

For more information about the Foundation, or to arrange future media opportunities, please contact William Pearch, marketing manager, at 630.598.5290, or