Ending Homelessness Matters Now More Than Ever!



Since the arrival of COVID-19 DuPagePads has remained committed to safely ending homelessness during the pandemic. Our highest priority is keeping clients sheltered and keeping volunteers and staff as safe as possible to avoid transmission of COVID- 19.
DuPagePads continues to address needs for shelter assistance, provide emergency housing plans and referrals to services, maintain contact with exisiting clients, and receive/distribute critical donated food and supplies to maintain client safety on their path toward stable housing.

Make a difference today!

Please view the most needed items and information for safe curbside drop off on our emergency response page: https://dupagepads.org/covid-19/

DuPagePads Street Outreach needs our community’s help in identifying anyone who may be homeless by calling our toll-free number: 866.682.3846 x2275 or email streetoutreach@dupagepads.org. Members of our Street Outreach Team are continuing to check common areas frequented by those who are unsheltered in our county.

Click here to donate and select the Emergency Response Fund to help us maintain shelter, food, and essential services to our clients during COVID-19.

Emergency Response Relief Fund