From Temp Job to Dream Job – Art’s Story

When Art came to DuPagePads, he was going from one temporary job to the next.

Despite having a highly skilled background in engineering, he struggled with retaining employment and could not stay with a company long-term because of health issues. He frequently moved around and was constantly staying at different motels.

I realized that I couldn’t keep living like I was and decided to see if DuPagePads could help,” Art says.

career employment solutions


Immediately, Art began working with his DuPagePads Case Manager at the Client Service Center, who helped him get health insurance, so he could have a regular ongoing physician.

Once his health stabilized through medication, he started working with DuPagePads Career Employment Solutions program.

Last year, this program assisted 125 people in obtaining employment through a network of more than 100 employers.

Through the Career program, he created a resume, refined his interview skills and built his confidence to look for permanent employment.

man holding a banner“Although I had a few setbacks and lessons learned, after 5 months of being in the employment program, I was offered a full-time job at a major medical center in the area as an electrician making $30.00 an hour

the first permanent job I had in over 20 years!” Art exclaims, “It was more than I could have hope for.

Shortly after obtaining employment, Art was able to secure housing. He is one of the 383 people we assisted last year in moving from homelessness to housing.

Recently we spoke to Art and he shared, “Now I am doing well and my health conditions are stabilized.

I have been employed at the same company for over a year and I just received a significant raise. I can’t thank DuPagePads enough for building my confidence and helping me find my dream job.