giving tuesday dec 3, 2019


#GivingTuesday is December 3rd, 2019

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday is a worldwide day of giving that celebrates philanthropy.

Take action with us to help end homelessness in DuPage County.

Giving Tuesday gives everyone the opportunity to join a community of change – whether it’s a donation, some of your time, supplies, or your voice.

This Giving Tuesday, December 3rd, we ask you to consider helping us reach our goal of $25,000 providing Medical Respite and Case Management services for the next year!

In honor of this #GivingTuesday, a generous donor is offering a matching challenge to double the impact of the first $5000 in donations made on December 3rd! Your gift can help meet this generous match offer and bring us closer to the ultimate goal of raising $25,000 total this #GivingTuesday.

Click Here to Donate

What is Medical Respite and Case Management?

Families and individuals who are homeless often experience a wide range of complex health conditions. Without appropriate housing for rest and recovery from illness or injury, individuals who are homeless are discharged from the hospital with nowhere to turn risking complications that could compromise their health further. Identifying this important need, DuPagePads began the Medical Respite program to provide short-term housing for clients with acute medical issues, like Jose.

Your voice has the power to make more success stories possible!

This #GivingTuesday we are asking everyone to share their #Unselfie on social media to show your support of DuPagePad’s mission to end homelessness in DuPage County!

How do I #Unselfie?

1. Take a “selfie” with this printable sign.

2. Post it to Facebook, Twitter and or Instagram and share it with friends!

3. Use the hashtags #UNselfie and #GivingTuesday, and feel free to tag us @DuPagePads.

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