ICNA Relief Chicago Donates Hygiene Products

men bringing things in the houseICNA Relief Chicago, the Glendale Heights, IL, based local chapter of a National Muslim organization dedicated to helping the most vulnerable, will donate personal hygiene products to homeless women, on June 23 2015, to honor the Islamic month of Ramadan. The month starts on June 17, 2015, depending on the sighting of the new moon. Personal care products were donated by Muslims from all over Chicago and its suburbs. Monetary donations continue to be accepted online at www.icnarelief.org

“DuPage Pads is very grateful for the generous efforts of ICNA Relief’s Women’s Essentials campaign. Certainly, the women we serve will feel respected and hopeful,” said Carol Simler, DuPage Pads President & CEO.

DuPage Pads is grateful for their donation of more than $3,000 worth of toiletries, feminine hygiene products and shampoo.

Click here to read the full story from the Chicago Tribune.
