National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

December 21, 2014

memorial-candlesDecember 21st is the first day of winter and the longest night of the year. Unfortunately it is even longer for families and individuals without a home.

This day has become National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day in remembrance of those who have died without a home.

As we approach the holidays, let us spend some time remembering the 8 members of our community who have passed away homeless this past year.

Homelessness is an isolating and destructive experience. The average age of death in the homeless population is 50 years, the age at which Americans commonly died in 1900. This is unacceptable, but there is a solution.

When someone believes in you, everything can change. DuPagePads has the solution to end homelessness; housing, coupled with support services and employment. This leads to good health and economic sustainability, and ultimately, fewer people dying without a home.

One more death from homelessness is one too many. We invite you to make a commitment to work with us to end homelessness here in our county. 

2014 Year-End Gift

If you have already made a year-end donation, we are very grateful.  If you have not, please consider a gift of any size to DuPagePads.  

On December 16, the Senate passed HR 5771 which included a one year extension of expired tax provisions retroactive to January 1, 2014. This reauthorizes the IRA charitable rollover through December 31, 2014. Donors age 70 1/2 and older may transfer up to $100,000 from their IRA to a qualified public charity. The transfer will be made free of federal income tax and the gift qualifies for the donor’s 2014 required minimum distribution (RMD).  Be sure to contact your IRA administrator for more information as soon as possible.

Together with your support, we look forward to seeing many more families and individuals move back “home again” in 2015!