I Saw Firsthand…A Father’s Note

“I am writing to thank your organization for the outstanding work that you do. I saw firsthand how generosity and compassion can encourage someone with little or no hope, to envision a future for himself.

My son, Charles found himself homeless and in trouble with the law, after I retired and moved to Mississippi.

To make a long story short, he was given probation instead of jail time and ended up at DuPagePads.

He was unable to get a job on his own or with anyone else’s help for over 3 years. However, under the guidance of Lutisha (DuPagePads Career Employment Director) and Carlos (DuPagePads Career Support Specialist), he got a job that he was proud to have.

He talked to me every night from the homeless shelter, he was amazed at the quality of the meals you provided every night and how nice everybody at your organization was to everyone who came through the doors. He was just so grateful for everything that was done for him.

Charles died May 14, 2016.

After his passing, I went to DuPagePads to meet Carlos and Lutisha and thank them for helping my son. He spoke so highly of them and everyone else.

I don’t want to take too much of your time, I just want to thank you for what you do.

I just donated and will for years to come. I read some of the stories on your website and was brought to tears because I know how grateful those people are.

Forever in your debt.

~Charles Sr.”

career employment specialist and employment director