Struggling to Stability- Mary’s story

A couple years ago, Mary and her three sons: Andrew, Thomas and Kevin, faced the most challenging time of their lives. In that time, Mary experienced divorce and eviction from her home, all while dealing with chronic lower back pain. On top of all these issues, she was caring for her mother, who was also facing significant health challenges.

Although Mary’s mother was able to move into assisted living facility, Mary and her boys soon found themselves homeless.

prepared bedsFor more than a year, Mary struggled with her disabling health condition and being homeless with her three sons. Eventually she found her way to DuPagPads.

While at DuPagePads, Mary and her sons utilized DuPagePads Interim (Overnight) Housing sites for five months. During this time, she worked with her DuPagePads case manager to create a plan for stable housing.

Mary will never forget the day her case manager called her to report that an apartment in DuPagePads Supportive Housing Program was available. “I was so excited that we were going to move into our own home. Realizing my boys would know where they were going to sleep each night…It was like a ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders,” exclaimed Mary.

a kid cropped being held by a parent

After getting settled into their new apartment, the family finally felt they had some stability. Mary says, “I was able to focus on my job search and eventually obtained a full-time job with health benefits for my family and me. Now I know I will have the care to address my own health needs.

Currently, Mary is working with her DuPage Pads case manager to create a plan to move from DuPagePads Supportive Housing to their own home.

Not only is Mary able to thrive in her new home, but her sons are as well. With DuPagePads’ assistance, the boys attended local Park District programs over the summer, including karate and summer camps. As a result of DuPagePads partnerships, Mary’s oldest son completed his GED and is interested in enrolling in the Jane Addams Resource Corporation (JARC) program for welding, machinist and manufacturing certifications to continue his education and expand his employment opportunities. The younger boys are now involved in a tutoring club at their apartment complex. Now, with the help of DuPagePads case management staff, the boys are currently working on reconnecting with their father.

Three of the 228 children DuPagePads served last year

Mary’s sons are excited to start new chapters in their lives and Mary is thrilled her life is back on track.

Thank you, DuPagePads for giving my family a home. The best part is seeing my boys being able to focus on their future instead of worrying about their present. Since moving to our apartment, it has been amazing to see the friendships they have developed and the confidence they now carry. Without DuPagePads, I’m not sure where we’d be,” Mary shares.