To raise funds and awareness, DuPagePads hosts five signature events throughout the year and numerous outside fundraisers.

Proceeds from these “fun”draising events will support individuals and families who are homeless in DuPage County. Together with your support, we can end homelessness in DuPage County.

For information about DuPagePads’ events or sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Carrie Flick (
Special Events Manager
601 West Liberty
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 630.682.3846 ext. 2290
Fax: 630.682.3874

Wake Up Your Spirit Day 2024

Abbington Banquets 3S002 Illinois 53, Glen Ellyn, IL, United States

Please join us on Wednesday, October 30th, at Abbington Banquets for networking, a warm breakfast, inspirational messages, and DuPagePads updates from CEO April Redzic during the 22nd Annual Wake Up Your Spirit Day. Guests will hear from a keynote speaker as well as a client whose life has been transformed by services made possible through donors' generous support.