What to Do If You See Someone Homeless

Often people ask us what they should do if they see someone unsheltered or homeless on the street.  Our answer…call our Street Outreach phone number. Check out DuPagePads latest video explaining the Street Outreach Program:

What is Street Outreach?

a bench


Street Outreach teams travel throughout DuPage County to engage unsheltered people with resources and supplies.

Working towards building trust, case managers offer those who are homeless necessities like food, hygiene kits, clothing and sleeping bags; referrals to community resources; case management services and follow-up support; and assistance in receiving all eligible benefits.

While case managers have specialized education and training, building trust may take time and more than one interaction.

The goal of this program is to encourage families and individuals to take advantage of community resources to obtain safe shelter and ultimately housing. Last year, this program served 66 individuals.

We Need Your Help:

Bus StopIf you see someone who you think may be homeless, call our toll-free

Street Outreach number 866.682.3846, ext. 2275 or email streetoutreach@dupagepads.org.

at any time and leave a message with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your contact information (for possible follow-up with you)
  • The individual’s/family’s name (if you know it)
  • Their location (last seen)

DuPagePads is committed to ending homelessness by providing our solution: housing, coupled with support services and employment.

With your support, we will continue to assist people in moving from a pad on the floor, to a key in the door.