DuPagePads Young Professionals


Since 2015, DuPagePads Young Professionals have played a key role in supporting our mission to end homelessness in DuPage County.

The network of professionals 50 years and younger have a strong presence at all DuPagePads events and several times a year provide dinner and volunteers at First Church of Lombard, an Interim (Overnight) Housing site. Members are generous with their time, money and skills to assist DuPagePads in fundraising, advocacy and volunteering.

“Starting as a DuPagePads volunteer, I wanted to find a way to be more involved. When I became a member, I found a core group of like-minded peers who share the same values of volunteering,” says Eryka Hawkins, member since 2017. “The networking opportunities are fantastic, but meeting others who want to fight to end homelessness in DuPage County is what keeps me coming back.”

The network hosts several events throughout the year including socials, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities. Members are encouraged to be active helping the homeless in their community, networking with others and sharing the DuPagePads mission to recruit additional members.

Jonathon Hicks, member since 2016 agrees. “I’m part of the DuPagePads Young Professionals network so I can meet, network and grow with my peers who share similar values – specifically the value of community involvement; which to me means being selfless and lending a helping hand in any way I can. Whether a small or big act, you never know how much of an impact you might have on others.”

Members come from all different backgrounds and each has something unique to offer the group; some have been part of the group for 4 years and others 4 months. Nevertheless, everyone agrees the group has a shared passion to give back to one’s community and help end homelessness in DuPage County.

“It is important to help those that have fallen on hard times because homelessness can happen to anyone. I want to support DuPagePads mission because I have seen their solution work! I am proud to volunteer and be part of a group focused on helping others,” says Magen D’Andrea, member since 2017.

With over 20 active members, the Young Professionals are always eager to welcome new members and continue to grow the positive impact the network has to help with the solution to end homelessness.

Get involved in upcoming networking, fundraising or volunteering opportunities. Click here to complete the Young Professionals Interest Form.

For more information, contact Carrie Flick, DuPagePads Special Events Coordinator.