Carol Simler Inducted into Public Health Honor Society

carol speakingRecently, Carol Simler, DuPagePads President and CEO, was inducted into the Delta Omega Public Health Honor Society at Benedictine University.

Induction into this society is an honor bestowed upon students, alumni, faculty, and honorary members who have demonstrated outstanding leadership, scholarship, and achievement in furthering the cause of public health.

I’m honored and quite humbled by the whole experience,” Carol shared.

carol with a woman

During the Public Health Program Graduation and Recognition Reception, Carol spoke about how her passion for helping the homeless began, as well as her challenges and successes throughout her journey.

Who would have thought a student in high school who was told ‘you’re not college material’ could now stand before you, receiving this prestigious honor,” Carol said.

Keep true to your destiny as you pursue goals around the issues you care about! Don’t let people tell you that you’re not qualified. Keep learning from your mistakes and setbacks, and most of all learn from the people you serve.”

Carol Simler, DuPagePads President & CEO with Professor Bette Lawrence-Water.

She continued with a message of inspiration for the graduates who will go on to impact the lives and well-being of others.

The world is waiting for you – our new class of public health professionals will make this world a better place.

This is your call to action – use what you have learned at Benedictine to unlock doors and clear pathways to happier and healthier communities.”