You can help create more success stories!  

Consider making a financial donation, click here to see all the ways your donation can empower lives.

Michelle has a college degree and held many successful business positions for decades.  When her health deteriorated and she was no longer able to work, Michelle began staying at the DuPagePads Interim (Overnight) Housing sites. At the same time, her 16 year old daughter, Miah wanted only to stay with her mother, and not relatives, as she was pregnant.

Michelle recalls, “It was a difficult time. Miah would go to high school, work at a fast food chain nights and weekends and sleep at the overnight sites at night. It was hard for both of us to sleep on the pads, especially as Miah got further along in her pregnancy. Volunteers would offer her extra portions of food and we always tried to get a space near the door to the restrooms.”

Despite these challenges, Michelle continued to diligently work with DuPagePads and says, “My case manager helped me apply for disability benefits and connected Miah with Teen Parent Connection, but my main focus was finding us a housing program so that my grandchild would not be born homeless,” Michelle says.

When an opening came up in DuPagePads Supportive Housing program for Michelle and Miah, the two were overjoyed.

Michelle recalls, “I was so grateful. I remember vividly putting the key in the lock and opening the door, it was such a dramatic moment. I kept telling myself ‘don’t cry.’”

“She cried,” Miah shares.

The apartment exceeded my expectations. All of the furniture looked like they were of a high quality. Everywhere we looked, there were these ‘Welcome Home’ notes made by children and gift cards. They even had a toy box with hats and toys for my grandbaby. I felt so overwhelmingly blessed,” Michelle shares.

Miah gave birth two weeks later, to a little boy Isaiah.

“His name means ‘salvation’ and he really is a joy for our family. He has brought our extended relatives closer together and is such a happy baby. It meant so much to me that he was born with a home,not hungry or without clothes, but surrounded by people who love him,” Miah shares.

Michelle’s health has improved since entering housing and has recently attended a workshop on how to better manage her chronic diseases through a free six-week series at DuPagePads Client Service Center. Miah has been taking her high school courses, working at a nearby restaurant and spending time with Isaiah.

“We have been through so much. I cannot imagine my life without DuPagePads. The staff is always there and available to listen. I just want to thank them for being by our sides, helping us to get where we are today. DuPagePads has really been a miracle in my life!” Michelle exclaims.

People don’t realize how quickly your life can change from one day to another. You can have everything one day, and the next day lose it all,” Caitlyn says.

Caitlyn, a single mom, supported her children on one income for years.

In a single moment, Caitlyn and her children became homeless.

When her car broke down, it had to be replaced so she could get to work. With no emergency budget, Caitlyn could not afford to pay the rent and ultimately she and her family were evicted.

They arrived at DuPagePads sites for food and shelter while Caitlyn went to work and the children attended school EVERY DAY.

They were grateful to have meals and a place to stay, but Caitlyn could not save enough money for the rent and deposit required to get an apartment.

With YOUR SUPPORT, Caitlyn is the first participant to benefit from the new Tenant Based Rental Assistance program (TBRA). TBRA provides rental assistance, security deposits and supportive services for 12 months to assist homeless families and individuals to become housed and achieve self-sufficiency. DuPagePads’ case managers assisted Caitlyn with these services to help her and her family set and achieve their goals.

Dreams of housing now became a reality for Caitlyn and her children.

After 14 months of being homeless, my children and I now wake up in our home and get ready for our day.

The kids come home from school and proudly hang their school papers on the refrigerator instead of being crushed in the bottom of their backpacks. They do their homework, pitch in to make dinner and then we all talk about accomplishments as well as problems of the day.

We don’t worry where we are going to sleep.

Now My kid’s grades in school are amazing. I’m talking straight A’s. When we were homeless, I wasn’t sure my 17-year-old daughter would graduate. Now she is graduating in June. I think it has a lot to do with all the help we had and support.

I’m sure I judged people before myself, but when it happens to you…you live it, you feel it, it becomes your reality – I think it gives you a better understanding of what other people can be going through.

I would just like to thank DuPagePads and everyone who supports them because they are changing lives every day, just like they changed mine. They believed in me and they gave me my life back.

Last year over 200 children in our community did not have their own bed.

Here is the story of one of them, five-year-old Gabriel.

Gabriel’s mother, Diana, experienced head trauma in a car accident which caused her to take a leave of absence from work.

With bills piling up and no emergency budget, Diana could not afford to pay the rent, and ultimately, Diana and Gabriel were evicted.

They experienced the trauma of homelessness – fearful, discouraged, and unsure of where to turn.

Going from working full-time to not having a home…it was terrifying,” Diana recalls.

Then they found DuPagePads, and stayed at the interim overnight sites for food and shelter.

With basic needs assistance and individualized case management, Diana received referrals to address her serious health challenges. Gabriel was given new school supplies, and his favorite was his own book.

My mom says books make your brain strong,” Gabriel shares.

Once Diana was cleared by her doctor to return to work, she met with staff from DuPagePads Career Employment Solutions program and was thrilled to obtain employment again. 

Despite this exciting news, the family had built up considerable debt and had no savings for a security deposit to begin renting again. Diana’s case manager linked her to the agency’s Housing Now program, which provided the first month’s rent and security deposit coupled with a year of case management services.

After two and a half months of being homeless, Diana began renting a house and Gabriel now has his own room and looks forward to story-time with his mother.

Gabriel loves books! Recently he was looking through a book on Egypt and told me that he wanted to go see the pyramids,” Diana smiles.

She continues, “I’m so grateful to DuPagePads and their supporters. Having a home has given me peace to build my family and begin to follow our dreams again. You gave us hope and that hope is powerful.

“There is nothing like the feeling of tucking my son in his own bed, knowing he is safe and secure,” Diana shares.

From a pad on the floor…

“After many years of working in a factory, I was laid off. My body was constantly aching after all that physical work, so I felt that a job change was in my future.

Adding to the stress, I became a single mom, supporting my 7-year-old daughter, Charlotte (who goes by Charlie) after I left my abusive husband.

Soon after, Charlie and I lost our home causing us to stay at a shelter in the city or sleeping in our van.

One Sunday, I was talking to a lady at my church, Mary, who I had talked to many times before, and she mentioned that she needed a nanny for her 3 young children. This seemed like a great opportunity for both of us.

Mary and her family lived in Wheaton. Commuting from the city became challenging, especially with Charlie’s schedule, so Mary suggested Charlie go to school with her children in Wheaton. She also told us about DuPagePads.

The agency provides shelter, where Charlie and I could be safe and have great meals. I’ll never forget the kindness of the people we met there, from the scouts to the many volunteers serving through the night.

I was so surprised about the services DuPagePads offered.

In addition to the overnight sites, we went to the Client Service Center, where case managers would help us with every issue. They helped with my diagnosis of fibromyalgia and arthritis, depression and anxiety.  DuPagePads helped me face my frustrations and work through my past abuse.

I attended many trainings and workshops at the Client Service Center: a financial fitness class, a woman’s workshop, a chronic disease self-management program and a housing class to name a few.  One of my favorite groups was Harmony, Hope and Healing, where we sang, played instruments, and I could forget about all my problems. I could open up there and it felt so good to release my emotions.

I’m now working with DuPagePads Career Employment Solutions on completing my GED, and determining next steps for a new career.

One day last fall, Charlie and I were at the Client Service Center after school. At that point, we had been homeless for over a year and I had been having health challenges.

A case manager told us that they had an opening for us in DuPagePads Supportive Housing program.

As the words sunk in, I started hyperventilating. I truly needed to get some air.

Just the thought of having our own home again brought both Charlie and I to tears of happiness.”

…To a key in the door!

“Now we have been in our home for about a year, and I would like to tell you how life has changed.

I am working on my health issues, addressing each and every one of them, and live with a positive outlook for our future.

Before our home, Charlie was failing in school and especially struggling with reading.  She was an angry child, not talking much to anyone.

Now Charlie is nine-years-old and doing much better in school. She talks to people and has friends. Inspired by the kind scouts that would serve at the overnight sites, she even became a Brownie last month!

When we were leaving Mary’s house recently with a plate of extra food, Charlie insisted on giving it to a person on the street who was homeless.

Lastly, here is a picture that hangs proudly on our refrigerator.  Charlie drew this at school, when asked what does she want to do in the future. She replied, “Donate food.”

Without DuPagePads, we would still be homeless, and I would be getting sicker and sicker.  YOU changed two lives, gave us hope, expert care and a new outlook.

You believed in me, and moved us from a pad on the floor, to a key in the door!!

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Keanna knew that she had to get out of an abusive relationship for herself and her three young boys 7, 8 and 12. Unsure of where to turn, she came to DuPagePads.

crop-dscn0606Keanna and her boys used DuPagePads Interim (Overnight) Housing sites for overnight shelter and meals.

Although it was not an ideal situation to stay at the overnight sites with my children, I can’t say enough good things about the volunteers there that played games with my boys and helped them with homework.

This engagement helped distract them from what otherwise might have been an overwhelming experience,” Keanna shares.

Independent and determined, Keanna found numerous jobs ranging from restaurants to customer service to try to make ends meet.

dscn0599Everything I do is for my kids; they motivate me to keep going.

There were times when I was tired or discouraged, but the support from my DuPagePads case manager and my desire to give my boys a better life kept me focused and strong,” Keanna recalls.

Raising three boys, it was a challenge to save any money, let alone enough for the first month’s rent and security deposit for our own apartment,” Keanna says.

Through working with her case manager Tori at the Client Service Center, Keanna was referred to DuPagePads Housing Now program. A newer program, Housing Now provides rental assistance and ongoing case management for a year. Last year Housing Now served 62 individuals in 33 households with 91% maintaining housing.

After a month of working with DuPagePads, Keanna and her boys were able to move to their own apartment.

Keanna reflects, “Now we are settled in our new apartment, the boys’ attitudes have changed. They are not nervous about going to school anymore and have really come out of their shells. Their teachers will call to tell me how well they are doing.

As an only child with parents not around, I never had a strong support network. After getting to know my case manager Tori, now I feel like I have someone to turn to whenever I need her. Whatever issue comes up, she is right there to connect me with a resource.

Now that we have a home, dreams seem possible.

I never thought getting back on my feet I would have been able to get an apartment like this in such a great location and school district. I’m starting to plan for the future. I’ve always wanted to become a nurse and am currently looking into training programs.

I would have never gotten to this point on my own without DuPagePads,” Keanna shares.


crop IMG_2129Linda has known homelessness her whole life.

As a child she traveled with her mom from site to site using DuPagePads Interim (Overnight) Housing program.

“Going to high school as a homeless teenager in DuPage County really made me feel bad about myself. I was so afraid my classmates would find out I was homeless.”

Linda’s young adult life was a dark time for her. Struggling with mental illness and depression, she was unable to obtain a home or consistent employment. She found herself following in her mother’s footsteps, back at DuPagePads with her two young daughters.

“I knew I wanted to be different from my mom; I didn’t want my girls to grow up with the fear and uncertainty that I did.”

Linda’s DuPagePads case manager worked with her on a plan for stable housing and when an apartment in DuPagePads Supportive Housing program became available, Linda was overjoyed.

Crop IMG_2132“I remember on moving day, my daughter just started joyfully running all around our new apartment. She was so excited to have her own room. Now I make all of her favorite meals all the time. It makes me feel like a better mother.”

Since working with DuPagePads, Linda’s mental health has stabilized, she has obtained a job in retail and plans on going back to school to be a counselor.

“It may seem like a strange thing to be excited about, but I’ll never forget the first time I was able to write a rent check.

In that moment, I was so proud of how far I had come – from that scared young girl to a responsible mother. I have DuPagePads to thank for that.”

At DuPagePads, we believe that families, like Linda’s, can make their journey out of homelessness.

For 30 years, we know the solution to ending homelessness is housing, coupled with support services and employment.

The solution to end homelessness lies within all of us. We invite you to partner with us and envision a community where everyone has a home. Click here to read about ways you can help transform lives.

As Linda knows firsthand, “When someone believes in you, everything can change.” Thank you for believing in our mission.

A few years ago I found myself in a very difficult situation when the life that I had came to a screeching halt. I became homeless.

There are very few words that can express how I felt.

After serving 4 years in the Illinois Army National Guard and going through a very  traumatic event which led to me losing both of my legs and becoming a double amputee, I was completely lost.

With all my medical needs, life was tough. My divorce in February 2014 devastated me the most.

Yes…in a short amount of time I had lost a lot… I lost my marriage, my home, my job and my legs.

These events put a big strain on the healthy relationship that I had with my two  daughters.

In addition to using DuPagePads Interim (Overnight) Housing sites for meals and shelter, I worked closely with my case manager, where I received access to many helpful benefits and attended several support groups offered by the DuPagePads Client Service Center that kept me motivated.



Lamont (center) with Lutisha Jefferson (left), DuPagePads Career Director and Carlos Johnson (right), DuPagePads Employment Specialist.

Lamont (center) with Lutisha Jefferson (left), DuPagePads Career Director and Carlos Johnson (right), DuPagePads Employment Specialist.

I was so determined to get back to work, and get my life back on track that I sought out every opportunity and took many of the suggestions that were offered to me, especially the DuPagePads Career Employment Solutions Program.

I used the computer lab and learned best practices for cover letters and resumes, and I worked very closely with the Employment Director to identify several educational opportunities that lead us to  develop a plan for my new career path.

The DuPagePads Employment Director learned of my interest in robotics and believed that I would be an excellent candidate for training in Computerized Numerical Control also known as (CNC machine operating).

This is a superb Manufacturing Program offered through a partnership with Jane Addams Resource Corporation (JARC). This extensive program was 24 weeks long, for 6 hours a day, 5 days a week and required knowledge of trigonometry, another challenge that I had to face since I had never studied it.

But this did not deter me at all!!!  DuPagePads found a math tutor who worked with me two to three days a week for three months leading up to my taking the exam, and guess what?

Yes! I passed the entrance exam, but I still had a lot of hard work ahead of me. I attended CNC training during the day and stayed at the overnight sites at night, studying when I could before lights out.

Keeping up with this pace was challenging to say the least, but I knew I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

They told me that 99% of the students that complete the CNC program and receive their Machinist Skills Certificate will be guaranteed a job and a new career in the Manufacturing Industry..So I said to myself “This is the opportunity of a lifetime and Lamont you will not be that 1%!

I was very optimistic going to my job interview at a manufacturing plant in Carol Stream. However, they had reservations about me being able to stand for a 12 hour overnight shift as a double amputee. But I assured them, “I’ve come this far, I can do it. Just give me a chance.”  I was offered the position and have been working there ever since!

Crop Lamont WorkingI currently live in a nice home in Lisle, and am now able to support myself and my 12 and 16 year old daughters. I’m so happy I was able to put my life back together again and reconnect with them and watch them both blossom into honor roll students and fine young ladies.

My health is currently good. But as an amputee, it takes me a little longer to prepare and get ready for the day.

Thanks to my job and the medical insurance that they offer I just received a new pair of legs that I’m wearing today – No More Medicaid, Link Card, or S.S.I.

This has truly been a life-changing experience for me. I overcame many difficult obstacles  with the assistance of DuPagePads who helped to make all this possible.

So without hesitation I say thank you, thank you, thank you to DuPagePads. Without your resources and passion for helping people I would probably still be homeless and unemployed.


Amanda’s Story–“DuPagePads has shown me anything is possible”

Ameera & Family_1Amanda was just 19 when she suddenly found herself homeless after her uncle passed away. She had two young children and struggled daily to find a place to stay. “I never knew where we were going to sleep.” Amanda felt there was no other option but to stay at a different friend’s house each night.

Amanda found it challenging for her young children to always be quiet and on their best behavior as guests in her friends’ homes.

Crop Ameera & Family_4I wanted my children to be able to be children and I knew we were wearing out our welcome.”

One of her friends told her about DuPagePads and Amanda began staying with her children at the overnight sites.

Going from site to site was difficult…getting transportation was challenging, with having two kids and the weather changing, it was a real struggle.

DuPagePads case managers worked with Amanda on a plan for stable housing. When an apartment in DuPagePads Supportive Housing Program became available, Amanda and her children were overjoyed.

I love our home and having our own space. We no longer have to worry about where we are going to lay our heads down or wonder how we will get there. My kids have their own bed, toys and books and that means the world to me.”

Crop Ameera & Family_25Amanda’s goal plan includes continuing to work, purchasing her own car and eventually attending cosmetology school to be a hair stylist. To help Amanda succeed, DuPagePads linked her with daycare resources.

“DuPagePads helped me in so many ways. They are family to me.

Without DuPagePads I wouldn’t know what to do. I have them to thank for how good my life is right now.

I never believed it would be possible to have a place of our own, but DuPagePads has shown me anything is possible.”

“Thank you is not even close enough to say how much we appreciate what you have done for our family.”

Bob and Alicia both had jobs when they first met, but like many people who come to DuPagePads, they fell upon hard times and lost their jobs. Life spiraled downward and they found themselves homeless.

Bob was no stranger to uncertainty. At age 8, he was put into foster care. Growing up, he never had a stable place to live moving from group home to foster home. “It’s hard to talk about.  I never want my children to experience the kind of abuse I did,” Bob shared. By the age of 18, Bob moved out of foster care.

Alicia & Bob_2“I met a lot of really nice counselors that helped me walk down the right path…If it wasn’t for them I don’t know where I would be right now,” Bob said.

Our staff worked with Bob, Alicia and their three children to set goals and work toward permanent housing. On Bob’s birthday his phone rang. It was his DuPagePads case manager making him aware that they had an apartment available for his family. He recalls:

“It was so much to take in.  It was on my birthday! I was overwhelmed with emotion and broke into tears of happiness. By far it was one of the best gifts I have received in my entire life.”

Families and individuals coming to DuPagePads are in need of resources, encouragement and support getting back on their feet.  Now Bob, Alicia and their children will know stability as they make happy memories settling in a place they can call “home”.

Help make more success stories like Bob and Alicia’s, your support is needed now more than ever due to impending state budget cuts.


DuPage Pads Video Photos 5Leslie, Jeremy and their children were chronically homeless for three years.

Leslie reflects, “We started going to the overnight sites at DuPage Pads.  It was hard for me to get work.  After school, I couldn’t drop the kids off anywhere and I had to be ready to pick Jeremy up from work.

DuPage Pads Video Photos 6Now we have our own apartment and I’m working full time.  Our children are doing much better in school.  Their teachers tell me how much they have improved.  I don’t know where we would be without DuPage Pads.

Leslie and Jeremy’s family is a wonderful example of our work in action.  Samantha is their oldest daughter now in second grade and a Girl Scout.  This year she was her troop’s top cookie seller.  Quite impressive!

To her surprise, the members of her troop voted to donate a portion of their cookie sales to DuPage Pads.  Now, in her own home Samantha is learning to give back to others.

At DuPage Pads we believe that every child should live safe from fear, have their own bed and a place to call home.  We’ve learned that people can accomplish amazing things when they have a place of their own.

Like Leslie and Jeremy, we know “when someone believes in you everything can change”!

I have a Bachelor’s degree and over 15 years of clerical-administrative experience.  I was working in an office till I suddenly lost my job and eventually my apartment.  I never thought I would be homeless – it was quite a shock.

When I first came to DuPagePads, my Case Manager immediately referred me to the Employment Coordinator who assessed my skills, advised me on resume writing and interview techniques and helped me search for job opportunities that met my experience with their more than 30 community employers.

Before my interview my Case Manager took me to get fitted for a suit jacket – I felt like Cinderella.

My interview went really well and I got the job!  Now I’m a recruiter for a bus company which allows me the rewarding opportunity to come back to DuPagePads and help others find a career.

DuPagePads has been a blessing for me and I feel like we are a family.  They have helped me turn the lemons in my life into lemonade.

~Yolanda, a DuPagePads Program Participant

Cleveland stopped smiling in 1987.

He was working a steady job and had been there for five years when one day he came home to the worst news a parent can receive. Cleveland’s one-year-old son had been beaten to death by his baby sitter.

I still feel the chill down my spine every time I think about it,” Cleveland says. Unable to cope with the sadness, he stopped caring about his life.

I became angry and mad at the world. I turned to alcohol and drugs which caused me to lose everything: my home, my family and I ended up in prison. I could not handle the pain and walked around homeless for many years.”

Cleveland says the turning point in his life was DuPagePads. In addition to basic needs like food and shelter, DuPagePads connected him with a case manager who helped him find counseling to deal with his addictions and inner anger while obtaining the needed medication to stay in a stable mental state.

Cleveland is now clean: no drugs or alcohol. He was reunited with his children and says the best day of his life was the day he opened the door to his DuPagePads Supportive Housing apartment. “I did not believe this could be my life again.

Last year DuPagePads Supportive Housing program served 115 individuals including 34 children. As a result of continued supportive services, 88% of those individuals have had a place to call “home” for a year or longer.

Homelessness often causes illnesses and makes existing mental and physical illnesses worse. Supportive Housing apartments, like Cleveland’s, improve physical and mental health. This in turn reduces the need for expensive inpatient mental healthcare and hospitalization. Now that Cleveland is in housing and his health has stabilized, he is no longer using emergency rooms or the criminal justice system, which are expensive for taxpayers.

More affordable than housing in state hospitals, prisons or nursing homes, Supportive Housing is an investment in our community. With the proposed state budget cuts, funding for this program is in jeopardy. To learn more about this issue, click here.

As Cleveland can attest, Supportive Housing ends homelessness. “DuPagePads cared about me. They wanted me to get better, for myself and for my other children. My case managers made me want to be a better person,” Cleveland admits.

DuPage PADs WB_107 “Housing is such a blessing. I feel good about providing a home for my children to visit. One of the biggest changes that people notice about me is that I now smile–life is good now. I want to thank DuPagePads for saving my life,” Cleveland says with a smile.

Ameera & Family_1Amanda was just 19 when she suddenly found herself homeless after her uncle passed away. She had two young children and struggled daily to find a place to stay. “I never knew where we were going to sleep.” Amanda felt there was no other option but to stay at a different friend’s house each night.

Amanda found it challenging for her young children to always be quiet and on their best behavior as guests in her friends’ homes.

Crop Ameera & Family_4I wanted my children to be able to be children and I knew we were wearing out our welcome.”

One of her friends told her about DuPagePads and Amanda began staying with her children at the overnight sites.

Going from site to site was difficult…getting transportation was challenging, with having two kids and the weather changing, it was a real struggle.

DuPagePads case managers worked with Amanda on a plan for stable housing. When an apartment in DuPagePads Supportive Housing Program became available, Amanda and her children were overjoyed.

I love our home and having our own space. We no longer have to worry about where we are going to lay our heads down or wonder how we will get there. My kids have their own bed, toys and books and that means the world to me.”

Crop Ameera & Family_25Amanda’s goal plan includes continuing to work, purchasing her own car and eventually attending cosmetology school to be a hair stylist. To help Amanda succeed, DuPagePads linked her with daycare resources.

“DuPagePads helped me in so many ways. They are family to me.

Without DuPagePads I wouldn’t know what to do. I have them to thank for how good my life is right now.

I never believed it would be possible to have a place of our own, but DuPagePads has shown me anything is possible.”


Angela CroppedAfter losing her job, and her apartment soon after, Angela began living with her daughter. When her daughter moved out of state, Angela began staying at the DuPagePads Interim (overnight) Housing Program sites. “I didn’t want to be dependent on her any longer so I contacted DuPagePads,” Angela shares.

Angela was quickly referred to DuPagePads Career Employment Solutions Program which helped her fine tune her resume and provided her with a computer lab where she could search for employment opportunities. “Sometimes I got so involved in job searching that I would lose track of time and stay till the computer lab closed,” Angela added.

Once she obtained an interview, her DuPagePads Employment Specialist made sure she had suits and clothes to help her feel confident. Thanks to her hard work and perseverance, and the help of DuPagePads, Angela now has a job in a financial resolution position in Oak Brook.

Angela is excited about moving into her new apartment in Westmont. She says, “I love deciding where to put things and what color to paint the accent wall.” She has also been able to unload the heavy purse that she used to carry around. “Now I just carry my wallet and keys!”

“To me, DuPagePads means a new beginning, a stepping stone into a new life.”  Angela admits to learning a lot about herself during the process of finding a new job and place to live. She says, “If you think positive, positive comes; if you think negative, negative comes. DuPagePads helped me focus on the positive.”

A graduate of the Pharmacy Technician Program shares her story

Francis' Success Story“I became homeless the week before Christmas in 2011 because I broke my toe on my drive foot. I was employed as a driver and could not work in this capacity. I quickly fell behind in rent and all other bills that go along with basic living.

My boss found me another position other than driving and allowed me to stay at the office until I could get caught up on things and save enough money to move into another place. Yes, I worked in the day at the office and my boss made arrangements so that I could stay at the office overnight in order to avoid any rent payments.

After awhile, I didn’t handle things very well and closed the line of communication at work. I lost my job on the last day of February and I came to DuPagePads.

Sadness. Uncertainty. Frustration. Anger. Disappointment. These were the feelings I had when I first came to DuPagePads this past March. Initially I was in shock and found going place to place each night difficult. But early on, the staff interacted with me in a very caring manner; they reached out to me and their commitment to help me and my situation is something I will never forget. The people at DuPagePads were a gleam of light through the turmoil I was experiencing.

Since I became a DuPagePads client, I qualified through testing and with classes and hard work have completed the Pharmacy Technician program. I am now the proud recipient of a Pharmacy Technician License. I not only look forward to a job, but a well-paying career. Today was my very first day of orientation as a pharmacy technician with the DuPage Community Clinic here in Wheaton. I am proud to say that with DuPagePads help, I am on my way to succeed. So I would like to humbly thank all who are apart of DuPagePads in any and every aspect from in front to behind the scenes for doing what you do for so many like me. Thank You!”

DuPagePads received this email from a former client and we are happy to share his gratitude with our community of supporters.

Tomorrow will mark the 16th anniversary that I graduated from PADS. I learned a lot about myself and what the world had to offer while I was there. I learned that sobriety was my key to the future. I mark my sobriety date on my calendar as well.

I would like to THANK YOU again for the love and support I received while I was there. Even 16 years later, it still stays with me. I was amazed that so many people cared about me in a time in my life that I didn’t care about myself. I started a new life when I left there with a new outlook on the future.

For now, all is good in my life. I am a homeowner again, pay too much in taxes, living life to the fullest and am happy with the world around me. And this is all with the economy in the shape it is in. Life is GOOD. It could always be better, but I will continue to be happy with the blessings that I have and not covet the things I don’t have.

Just thought I would send a quick note of thanks and let you know that your efforts are appreciated…I’m sure that sometimes you wonder if it is all worthwhile. I would say that my life wouldn’t be where it is without your help.

Thank You,

Success Story from LarryLarry admits his journey has been a long difficult one and says that “Without DuPagePads, I would not be here today.” On October 4, 2011, Larry moved into his own apartment after four years of being homeless. This became possible because of the caring staff at DuPagePads and their Permanent Supportive Housing Program. Larry openly shares his story.

In 2007, Larry lost his job after his employer went out of business. Larry found his way to DuPagePads and has been working with them since, although a lack of housing was not his only concern. Larry suffers from severe arthritis and neuropathy, and recently had a stroke. “My pain is progressing. My legs go numb and I just fall,” he says. Larry currently uses a cane but fears he will soon need a walker.

Larry had another setback in 2010 when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. “I have been going through radiation and the cancer is in remission,” Larry reports, “but my medications were so expensive, I would sometimes have to make decisions about which ones to take.”

Larry’s pain did not go unnoticed. Beth Epstein, Director of Programs at DuPagePads, became aware of Larry’s ailments. “I do not usually work with clients directly, but I had the opportunity to meet Larry and focus on his situation. It was hard to see him in so much discomfort and not being able to afford his medication. One day a light bulb went off in the back of my mind. I remembered Larry saying that he was a veteran,” Beth shares.

In the past, Larry had tried to obtain veteran benefits, but there was an error in the system regarding his status. Fortunately, DuPagePads partners with the DuPage Veterans Commission and they worked with Larry to rectify the error in the system. Because of this correction, Larry was able to receive assistance for his much needed prescription medications through a local VA Hospital, as well as utilize their psychiatrists and group sessions.

In addition to helping Larry receive the medications he needed, DuPagePads is also assisting him in obtaining social security and disability benefits. Beth states, “One of many services we provide is helping our clients get the benefits they deserve or need. This is only possible because of the many collaborative partnerships DuPagePads has established in the community.”

When asked what brings a smile to his face, Larry quickly answers, “My apartment. It has really given me something to look forward to, getting things into it. DuPagePads even got me a bed – though I didn’t have a chance to set up my bed last night, I just spread my blankets out on the floor. I really appreciate everything I have received.”

Success Story from BradChronic homelessness can destroy your health, your hope, your dignity. In the face of such daunting circumstances, it would be easy to give up. Just ask Brad.

Brad grew up right here in DuPage County. Like many of our clients, childhood trauma led to health issues, a pattern of bad choices and, eventually, homelessness.

“My wife, children and I were homeless for about three years. I saw the looks on my children’s faces and it was really heartbreaking.”

DuPagePads is committed to ending homelessness through a proven, cost-effective solution of housing combined with strong professional case management and employment services.

“DuPagePads Permanent Supportive Housing Program helped me get into an apartment. The DuPagePads Employment Program helped me by guiding me to complete my GED through the College of DuPage. They also helped me to understand and focus on my life to achieve what I want to become in life. Now I take ownership for my own actions.”

Most important, with help from DuPagePads, Brad is breaking the cycle of homelessness.

“For the first time, my children have their own beds and bedroom, with their artwork covering the walls of our home. DuPagePads connected us with the Park District to teach our children how to swim this summer and took them to the zoo to see their favorite animal, the lion. My kids are getting a great education and have the security of a safe, loving home.”

We refused to give up on Brad and we refuse to accept the tragedy of homelessness in our community. As a result, now Brad is giving new hope to his children for a brighter tomorrow.

two people holding a miniature house

The solution to end homelessness starts with housing.

The solution to end homelessness is more complex than providing individuals with food and shelter. Founded in 1985, DuPagePads is the largest provider of interim and permanent housing, coupled with support services in order to help individuals work toward a place to call home – DuPagePads vital support services enable the individuals we help to receive case management and life coaching, employment support such as GED courses and job coaching, as well as engagement with employers—effectively stopping the cycle of homelessness.

DuPagePads IS the solution to end homelessness — because when someone believes in you, everything can change.